There are many different kinds of memory games that are gaining popularity among people today, but do they really work? Research has shown that learning new things, doing puzzles and playing games helps the mind stay active and to help stimulate it. However, the most effective memory games allow you to improve your memory capacity and practice abstract thinking instead of just plaining help it stay active or to stimulate it only. Just as we go to the gym and engage in exercise to increase our physical fitness, the brain has to be kept stretching to strengthen in throughout our life. Similarly, we all know that if a bodybuilder were to slacken off and stop training, his muscles will soon turn into fats and become flabby, which is a disaster for any bodybuilder. Our brain will turn "flabby" too if we stop using it. Early studies have shown that 20 minutes of exercise 3 times a week will help in stimulating the mind, strengthening attention spans and memory recall abilities. These exercises need not to be extremely intensive but actually, simple but interactive activities can help keep our mind active also. Memory loss occurs as we age, and whilst there is little we can do to prevent it, we can definitely slow it down. Memory games are one form of doing so, as are regular physical exercise and a healthy lifestyle. However, to maximize the benefits of memory games, you should pair it with a change in your diet and light physical exercise. It is healthier to have a balance in everything rather than doing excessive change in a particular area of your life while leaving the others the same. Chess and other card games are useful only if balanced with good playing habits, as staying still for extended periods can cause abdominal obesity. Playing these games with friends is also beneficial. There is much anecdotal evidence that such memory games are helpful, as playing these games and puzzles stimulates the mind and keeps it active. These games have also been shown to boost the dendrites in your brain that are responsible for processing information. Dr. Michael Valenzuela, a clinical neuroscience research fellow at the University of New South Wales’ School of Psychiatry, says games like wordplay are effective in preventing Alzheimer's disease. Furthermore, games that require you to think or formulate words such as scrabble not only improves your memory, but can improve your language too and not to mention your ability to strategize. Studies on adults who engage in memory exercises and games have shown a marked decrease in brain metabolism in the area of the brain directly linked to working memory and other cognitive functions, suggesting that they were using their brains more efficiently. Most people fail to realize that they are in control of their mind, even as they get older, and that the condition of their mind is solely dependent on them to look after. Simple lifestyle changes can go a long way towards improving your memory and brain, as well as your overall health.